Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is CHS located?
Our office is located in the heart of Newaygo, Michigan at 53 West Wood St.
Where do CHS surgeons come from?
Some of West Michigan’s best surgeons perform procedures at CHS. They also operate out of area hospitals and surgery centers. Every surgeon is aligned with the CHS mission and values, and has experience providing quality patient outcomes.
Do I have to use a CHS surgeon?


How do I schedule a consultation?
You can be scheduled for a consultation when referred to CHS by your primary care physician. For patients who do not have a primary care physician, you can schedule a consultation by calling CHS directly.


What is included in the price?
Prices include the facility fee, surgeon’s fee, anesthesiology, pathology (as applicable), implants if needed, and routine follow-up care. See pricing details for more information.
How can your prices be so low?
CHS cuts out bureaucracy, added hospital network cost, cost-shifting, and other expenses that have made specialty care so expensive. Furthermore, CHS is a nonprofit medical ministry whose focus is on patients, not payments.
How long is a price quote valid?
The price quoted is applicable for 60 days.
Who do I pay?
Payments for consultations and procedures/surgeries are made to Christian Healthcare Specialists.
What forms of payment does CHS accept?
Payments can be made using cashier’s check, money order, debit or credit card, and HSA/FSA cards. Human resource departments or TPAs from self-funded employers can make arrangements for payment.
Does CHS accept insurance?

CHS does accept the following insurance plans:

  • Priority Health
  • Blue Cross/Blue Shield
  • Aetna
  • United Health
  • Cofinity

*Check with CHS Patient Services to see if your specific plan can be accepted.

Will the cost of my procedure/surgery count toward my deductible?
It will only count toward your yearly deductible if CHS accepts your insurance plan. In addition, patients in a self-funded employer plan may have programs that incentivize arranging for surgical care at CHS. Patient services representatives will be happy to discuss your specific situation.
If my insurance plan is not accepted, can I still come to CHS as a self-pay patient?
Yes. Many insured patients who have not met their insurance deductible find our self-pay fees to be less expensive than if they use their insurance. Consult one of our patient representatives to explain your options.
What if I cannot pay the full amount at the time of service?
To keep prices affordable, CHS needs prompt payment for services rendered. However, CHS will make every effort to find a payment option that is compatible with your budget. Speak with a patient services representative about your situation to make payment arrangements.
What if a CHS specialist determines that I am not a surgical candidate?
You will be responsible for the consultation fee.